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   By No


What would your life look like if you could remove self doubt and start living with full confidence? You could:
  • Complete a passion project and generate great wealth
  • Become more attractive to the partner of your dreams
  • Find the courage to move to Bali and live in pure bliss

Confidence is the single most important determinant of your success in life. Without confidence you won't ask for a raise, start a new business, ask a woman out on a date, or leave an unhealthy relationship. You need confidence to move to a new town, make new friends, and explore uncharted territory. The good news is confidence can be learned. Having faith in your abilities to achieve greatness is 100% up to you!


Like Henry Ford's famous quote states: Whether you believe you can do a thing or not... you are right! You are the only one standing in your way. Limiting belief of self-doubt are often implanted from childhood and can stop you from living the life of your dreams. This training, Confidence By No Coincidence, will help you identify those subconscious beliefs and reprogram them so that you show up confident and your full potential!


Stop letting self-doubt govern your life. You are just as capable as anyone else! Learn how to use the clicker to reconnect to your infinitely powerful self. You CAN achieve greatness if you so choose!


Important point: you only need to hold the clicker for a few days. Your subconscious learns quickly. Once you get in the habit of catching your thoughts and coming back to present moment awareness, you can do it without the clicker in hand. When you feel you are off track and need some guidance again… you can always pick up the clicker for an hour or two and the effects will be immediate.

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© 2020 Dr. Nikki Talks Health

All Rights Reserved. is a registered “For Benefit” company, which means everything we do is with the intention of making the world a better place. We are here to support your personal growth.

The information provided on Dr. Nikki Talks Health is offered as educational purposes only. It should not be considered medical advice. Please consult with your primary health provider prior to making any adjustments to your current regime.




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