Hello Friends! Aspen Talks Health presents Don McLaughlin, a founder of PurePower Botanicals.
Want to boost your energy and speed your recovery?
Do you suffer from depression or anxiety?
Is Inflammation causing you brain fog and arthritis?
Watch this super informative interview on how CBD works to improve your performance, sleep, and recovery.
CBD also lowers inflammation, depression, and anxiety.
Don McLaughlin shares his intimate story of achievement to depression to very active recovery.
He shares how CBD played a role and the important differences to know about product quality.
Sending you healthy wishes!
Dr. Nicola
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Find out more about Don:
website: https://livepurepower.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/PurePowerLife/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/purepowerlife/
YT: https://www.youtube.com/user/purepowerlife
To improve your performance with CBD, purchase one of the PurePower products with discount code DRNICOLA and enjoy a 10% discount.